Sport of the Disabled in scientific reseach

About Project

Sport and physical activity of people with disabilities, including deaf and hard-hearing people, can help to integrate the environment of people with disabilities with the environment of able-bodied people.

Few researchers undertake scientific studies on sport and physical activity of people with disabilities. In the case of deaf and hard-hearing people, the number of scientific publications is very small. In addition, a lack of cooperation between individual research centers in this area was observed.

Therefore, the aim of the project is to integrate the community of scientists dealing with the subject of sport and physical activity of people with disabilities, including deaf and hard-hearing people. Common activities may contribute to joint research opportunities and solutions to increase the physical activity of this social group. The project also aims to increase people's awareness of sport and physical activity of people with disabilities.

The above goals will be implemented in the form of an International Scientific Conference "Sport of the Disabled scientific research".

The conference will be held online.

The speakers will summarize the results of their previous research. Interested people (players, activists, coaches, physically inactive people) will be able to participate in the conference free of charge as listeners. Materials and scientific publications on the sport of people with disabilities or links to these publications will be posted on the project's website.

The organizers would like to establish organizational and scientific cooperation with other research centers and non-governmental organizations in the field of sport and physical activity of people with disabilities, and to promote sports for people with disabilities.

So far, partnerships have been established with:

  • Polish Deaf Sports Association,
  • Polish Association of the Deaf,
  • Special Olympics – Poland,
  • European Deaf Sports Organisation,
  • International Committee of Sports for the Deaf,
  • Research Center on Disabled Sport in Spain,
  • Center of Reasearch and Higher Education Support for the Deaf and Visually Impaired at Tsukuba University of Technology,

as well as universities:

  • Masaryk University Czech Republic
  • University of Debrecen – Hungary,
  • Ohio State University – USA,
  • University of Prešov – Slovakia,
  • Tsukuba University of Technology – Japan.

The project entitled "International Scientific Conference "Sport of the Disabled in scientific research"" was co-financed under the program of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education called "Excellent Science" as part of the "Conference support" module. Funding value: PLN 42,300, total project value PLN 51,800.

The coat of arms and flag of Poland, the logo of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the logo of the Excellent Science program